Guy Fawkes Day and Bonfire Night
Every year is celebrated in England the Guy Fawkes Day and Bonfire Night on the 5 th of November, this celebration dates back from the Gunpowder Treason Day in 1605, the events known as the Gunpowder Plot in which a group of provincial Catholic Englishmen were condemned to death such as Guy Fawkes in charge of trying to blow up the Parliament in order to assassinate the Protestant king James I and replace in the throne James I´s daughter: the nine year-old princess Elisabeth of Scotland, later queen of Bohemia. Although there were thirteen Catholics accused of the plot, Guy Fawkes was the most well-known mercenary for the Spanish cause in the Dutch wars and many others European wars supporting the Catholic party and he was also caught guarding a hoard of explosives placed beneath the House of Lords. From that year onwards and due to the introduction of the Observance of 5 th November Act enforcing an annual public day to celebrate the failure of the plot´s against the Protestant king...