How to improve my listening skills? Cómo mejorar mis capacidades de escucha en lengua extranjera
It is essential to be able to understand what is said orally in any language in order to assimilate it, learn words, gramatical structures and be able to communicate. Listening attentively every production in any foreign language can make anyone learn it in order to communicate which is the ultimate objective of any foreign language speaker. Es esencial ser capaz de entender lo que se dice oralmente en cualquier lengua para aprender, asimilar, aprender palabras y estructuras gramaticales y ser capaz de comunicarse. Escuchar atentamente cualquier producción oral puede hacer aprender la lengua para comunicarse que es el principal objetivo. Thus when grammar books and language courses were not available or did not exist any learner would pay attention to any conversation, songs, speeches in the street or the mass media such as the radio, TV or the internet to learn the language and achieve its communicative goal. For example Spanish workers in Germany during the sixties of the pas...