
Mostrando entradas de 2009

A ghastly bat!!!

I met a grisly and gruesome bat too...

Scary witches, bats and ghastly ghosts

Have you ever seen a ghost? Maybe it is a frightening experience, thus I met a grisly wizard and a gruesome bat, these are the pictures I took of them...terrifying, aren´t they?

31th October:All Hallow´s Eve

La víspera de la fiesta de Todos los Santos (All Hallow´s Eve) se celebra en todo el mundo (especialmente en los países anglosajones) popularmente conocida como Halloween. Los antiguos celtas creían que el día 31 de octubre, la frontera entre los vivos y los muertos desaparecía, y los muertos podían resultar peligrosos para los vivos. Esto explica los disfraces de bruja, fantasma o calavera. Hace más de 2000 años los pueblos celtas también celebraban el final de la estación y de la recogida de las cosechas. Ahora en todo el mundo mucha gente se disfraza con trajes de miedo, los niños van de casa en casa pidiendo golosinas con el famoso "Trick or Treat"(truco o trato), y se colocan linternas de calabaza en casi todas las casas.

Halloween: Roasted pumpkins

Roasted pumpkin seeds have a nutty flavor and are packed with protein and fiber. Pumpkin seeds are delicious toasted and salted, but they're even better flavored with sweet and savory spices. How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds Rinse pumpkin seeds under cold water and pick out the pulp and strings. (This is easiest just after you've removed the seeds from the pumpkin, before the pulp has dried.) Place the pumpkin seeds in a single layer on an oiled baking sheet, stirring to coat. If you prefer, omit the oil and coat with non-stick cooking spray. Sprinkle with salt and bake at 325 degrees F until toasted, about 25 minutes, checking and stirring after 10 minutes. Let cool and store in an air-tight container.

Halloween recipes: cakes

Halloween Cakes From graveyard cakes to spider cupcakes, we've got recipes for a hair-raising Halloween dessert. Haunted Graveyard Cake Bake a sheet cake and frost with chocolate frosting. Sprinkle it with crushed chocolate cookie crumbs. Bake shortbread or cutout cookies in a tombstone shape. Dip the cookies in a thin icing of confectioners' sugar and milk. Use a toothpick to carve R.I.P., or decorate with royal icing. Gently stand your tombstones in the chocolate frosting. Decorate graveyard with cookie or candy ghosts, black cats and pumpkins.

The parts of the body

Now try to check your knowledge about the different parts of our body in the following exercise

The parts of the body

Learn the different parts of the body into English (red letters) and browse through the following websites to lear more about our body into English http://kidshealth.org/kid/htbw/htbw_main_page.html http://www.languageguide.org/im/body2/eng/ http://www.languageguide.org/im/body/eng/index.jsp

Past Simple Auxiliary Verb "Do"

VERB TO DO(hacer) I did                                 I did not (didn´t) do                            Did I do? You did                           You    "                 "                              Did you do? He/She/It did                  He /She /It   "        "                             Did he/she/it do? We did                            We did not /didn´t   do          ...

Past Simple of Auxiliary Verb "Have"

VERB TO HAVE(tener) I had                                    I had not/ hadn´t                      Had I? You had                               You had not/ hadn´t                 Had you? He/She/It had                     He/She /It hadn´t                      Had he/she/it? We had                                We had not/ hadn´t                  Had we? You had                               You had not/ ...

Past Simple Auxiliary Verb ·To Be"

VERB TO BE(ser o estar) I was                                I was not/ wasn´t                              Was I? You were                         You were not/ weren´t                       Were you? He/she/it was                   He /She /It was not/ wasn´t               Was he/ she /it? We were                          We were not/ weren´t                         Were we? You were                         You were not/ were...

Present Simple of Primary Verb "Do"

To Do  ( hacer ) is mainly used as an auxiliary verb to form the negative and interrogative forms of the Present and Past Simple tenses:  Affirmative                                       Negative                            Interrogative I do ( yo hago )                           I do not do (don´t)...            Do I do....? You do (tu haces )                     You do not do (don´t)            Do you do...? He does ( el hace )                   He does not do (doesn´t)       Does he do...? She does ( ella hace )          ...

Present Simple of Primary Verb "Have"

To Have   (tener) is mainly used in the sense of possession as a primary verb and it                is used in Perfect tenses as an auxiliary verb.               Affirmative                                            Negative                     Interrogative I  have / I`ve got ( yo tengo )          I have not (got)            Have I got?             You have/ You´ve got ( tu tienes )   You have not (got)      Have you got? He has/ He has got ( el tiene )         He has not (got)         Has he got? She has/ She´s got ( ella tiene )       She ...

Present Simple of Primary Verb "To Be"

The VERB TO BE (ser o tener) is a Primary verb in English along with Have and Do because they can function either as primary verbs like the rest of verbs (e.g. eat, sleep, write, etc.) or auxiliary verbs accompanying a main verb and acting as assistant in the tense as other auxiliary verbs (shall, will, etc.). They are conjugated as main or auxiliary verbs according with the number (singular or plural) and time (past, present and future with some modal verbs such as "will, may, would") and we must always place the subject before them in the affirmative and negative sentences except in the interrogative sentences where they are placed at the beginning. The verb To Be is used to form the Continuous or Progressive forms and the Passive voice in English (as well as their counterparts in French, Spanish, Italian, etc. and other European languages) Usually there are some doubts in the translation of the conjugated verb "To Be" because English does not differentiate betwe...

Do you want to play?

Animals Find the words below in the grid. Now you have to describe them or tell at least where you can find these lovely animals, have you ever seen any? Have you ever visited a zoo? antelope elephant monkey bear giraffe mule cat goat panther cow horse rhinoceros dog hyena tiger donkey lion wolf
I will give you a hint in order to solve the mistery... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RrLDBtvpcw
Interesting Links Here I post an interesting link with material that can be useful for you http://www.mansioningles.com/ http://www.saberingles.com.ar/exercises/index.html http://www.aulafacil.com

Who do you think I am?

Hello! My name is Loegria and I am an island. I am going to tell you a legend, then you have to solve this riddle, it is very ancient. I was discovered by Brut, the grandson of Aeneas, the founder of Rome: have you seen the film TROY? Then my early conquerors came from the glorious kingdom of Troy in Greece...later every Roman called me like after the first king he settled here, Britannia. Later the Roman empire fell and civilisation collapsed...but a new faith of fair and noble deeds appeared with Christianity. I was very happy when Christians arrived, they gave freedom to the slaves and my inhabitants knew justice and charity. Later my dear Britons suffered many attacks from foreigners caming from Denmark, they were called Angles, Jutes and Saxons...later the Saxons had such great and rich kingdoms I was called the Heptarchy island with the wise King Alfred as the best Anglo-Saxon king... now I told you a lot about myself, can you introduce yourself now? Can you guess up my present-d...