Who do you think I am?
Hello! My name is Loegria and I am an island. I am going to tell you a legend, then you have to solve this riddle, it is very ancient. I was discovered by Brut, the grandson of Aeneas, the founder of Rome: have you seen the film TROY?
Then my early conquerors came from the glorious kingdom of Troy in Greece...later every Roman called me like after the first king he settled here, Britannia. Later the Roman empire fell and civilisation collapsed...but a new faith of fair and noble deeds appeared with Christianity. I was very happy when Christians arrived, they gave freedom to the slaves and my inhabitants knew justice and charity.
Later my dear Britons suffered many attacks from foreigners caming from Denmark, they were called Angles, Jutes and Saxons...later the Saxons had such great and rich kingdoms I was called the Heptarchy island with the wise King Alfred as the best Anglo-Saxon king...
now I told you a lot about myself, can you introduce yourself now?
Can you guess up my present-day name?
Then my early conquerors came from the glorious kingdom of Troy in Greece...later every Roman called me like after the first king he settled here, Britannia. Later the Roman empire fell and civilisation collapsed...but a new faith of fair and noble deeds appeared with Christianity. I was very happy when Christians arrived, they gave freedom to the slaves and my inhabitants knew justice and charity.
Later my dear Britons suffered many attacks from foreigners caming from Denmark, they were called Angles, Jutes and Saxons...later the Saxons had such great and rich kingdoms I was called the Heptarchy island with the wise King Alfred as the best Anglo-Saxon king...
now I told you a lot about myself, can you introduce yourself now?
Can you guess up my present-day name?
Now I will give you the translation of the vocabulary in the text:
ResponderEliminar-going to + Verb (Infinitive of tell)=se emplea para el futuro simple inmediato, aquí significa "contaré"
-riddle= acertijo
-founder= fundador
-early= primero(a/s)
-kingdom= reino, reinado
-later= más tarde (Adv)
-called(V+ed)= pasado del verbo"llamar, nombrar"
-settled= estableció (recuerda V+ed de pasado simple de los verbos regulares)
-empire= imperio
-faith= fe
-fair= adj.noble, justo, rubio y de tez clara
-fell= cayó-pasado simple verbo irreg.caer
-deeds= hechos, proezas
-appeared= apareció-pas.simple v.regular +ed
-freedom= libertad
-slaves= esclavos
-gave= dió-pas.simple v.irregular give(dar)
-knew= conocían/conocieron-pas.simple v.irreg.to know(saber, conocer)
-charity= caridad
-foreigners= extranjeros
-were= estaban/eran-3ºpersona plural pasado simple v. to be (ser o estar)también puede ser 1ªpersona plural y 2ª persona singular y plural
-great= grande, grandioso.
-wise= sabio
-the best= el mejor-adj. superlativo de good
-now= ahora
-a lot= un montón
-myself= yo mismo-pronombre pers.reflexivo
-introduce= presentarse
-guess up= adivinar
-present-day= actual, de hoy