
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2018

English and American writers in the Spanish capital city

Madrid is a great city for literary enthusiasts, the perfect place to start a literary tour is in the Literary Quarter (Barrio de las Letras through   calle Huertas, Casa de Cervantes, cuesta Moyano...).The quarter attracted a lot of writers since the 16th century, and today there is a bohemian atmosphere lined up with trendybars, live music clubs and eateries to hang out at any time. Famous bars and restaurants where some English speaking authors hung out in the last century, and also some appear in different literary works are the following: - Las Cuevas del Sésamo (calle del Principe, 7) is an underground cavern, a popular hangout for the literary, bohemian and artistic communities in Madrid  and one of the favourites of American writer Ernest Heminghway, there is an autographed plaque that  hangs there in his honor. The walls also feature painted quotes by other literary figures such as Lorca and Cervantes. - Restaurante Sobrino de Botín Horno de Asar (calle...

The theatre during the English Restoration period

The   Theatre in England after the Shake-scene Ben Jonson (1573-1637) was the best known playwright after Shakespeare during the first half of the seventeenth century during the reign of James I and Charles I of England. He was also the first writer to claim for the copyright of his works and best known for his successful courtly masques (actors had to wear masks) and satirical plays such as Volpone (The Fox, 1605), The Alchemist and Bartholomew´s Fair in which the characters are portrayed often as caricatures according with the stock types of Latin theatre or like based in medieval theory of humours.  It was popular in Elizabethan and Jacobean periods a popular style of theatre named the “revenge tragedy” popularized by Thomas Kyd in The Spanish Tragedy (1592) and then by John Webster (1572-1632) in his major plays The White Devil and The Duchess of Malfi (1612) with many perturbing and macabre scenes. During the Civil war (1642-1651) between the Royal...

Famous medieval British heroes

King Arthur is a legendary hero probably based on the historical figure of a Roman general who fought against the invading Saxons in the 5th or early 6th century A.D. in Britannia. Arthur makes up a relevant figure of the literary and folklore songs of the "Matter of Britain" during the Middle Ages. The first appearances are in poetic sources such as Y Gododding , the writings of Gildas and pseudohistorical accounts of Annales Cambriae and Historia Brittonum. King Arthur became into an international in the " Historia Regum Britanniae " (12 th century) by Geoffrey of Monmoth an imaginative and fanciful account of the kings of Britain where he appears either as a great warrior defending Britain from human and supernatural enemies or as a magical figure of Welsh folklore related with the Underworld. In the work of Geoffrey of Monmouth the events often served as the starting point for later stories. Geoffrey depicted Arthur as a king of Britain who defeated the Saxon...

The Passive Voice

Passive Voice. La Voz Pasiva La voz pasiva se usa cuando se quiere resaltar la persona, animal o cosa en la que recae la acción del verbo principal en vez de resaltar el sujeto o agente de la acción verbal. A veces no se sabe, es obvio, no es relevante o no se quiere decir el sujeto de la acción del verbo. La voz pasiva se usa mucho en textos periodísticos, científicos y más tipos y en el registro formal con más frecuencia. The passive voice is used when we want to emphasize the person, animal or thing that receives the action of the main verb instead of focusing the attention on the subject or agent of the action of the verb. It is very used in journalist and scientific texts as well as other types and formal rather than colloquial language. We always change the Subject to the end of the sentence preceded “by”+ Noun or personal pronoun object and the Direct or Indirect Object becomes the Subject Recipient of the action of the verb. Moreover we change the verb into passive usin...

Present Perfect tense

Affirmative--------- Negative: I have arrived ------I have not arrived---- You have arrived------You have not arrived He/she/it have arrived-----He/she /it has not arrived We have arrived-----We have not arrived You have arrived-----You haven’t arrived They have arrived-----They haven’t arrived Interrogatives and their answers from alternative questions (or yes/no questions begun with any auxiliary verb): Have I arrived?               Yes, I have. No, I haven´t. Have you arrived?           Yes, you have.   No, you havent. Has he/she/it arrived?      Yes, he/she/ it has.               No, he /she /it hasn´t. Have we arrived?             Yes, we have.      No, we haven´t. Have you arrived?            Yes, you have.    No, you haven´t. Have they arrived?...

Conditional Sentences

Conditional Sentences Also known as (aka.) conditional clauses or "If clauses" are used in English meaning that the action in the main clause (without if ) can only occur if a certain condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled. There are many types of conditional sentences and we will review them here. Las oraciones condicionales son usadas en inglés para expresar que el significado de la oración principal (sin el si/if) puede sólo ocurrir si una cierta condición (en la oración con if/si) se realiza. Hay muchos tipos de condicionales y las revisaremos aquí. 0-Zero Conditionals:  Present tense clause + Present tense clause. This is used to state a condition that will always happen because it is always true. If she eats a lot of fried food, she always feels sick afterwards. 1 st -First Conditionals:   Present tense clause + Future tense clause. This is used to state something that is probable to occur. If you drive too fast, you will have an accident. If...

Mobile applications to learn English

Mobile app to learn English- Aplicaciones móviles para aprender inglés Hoy en día los dispositivos móviles como smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, etc. están ocupando un lugar cada vez más importante en nuestras vidas y condensando en un solo dispositivo varios instrumentos de uso diario como relojes, agendas, cámaras fotográficas, etc. Debido a su portabilidad y fácil uso los podemos usar en diferentes ámbitos, la calle, los medios de transporte, el trabajo, en la cama, etc. Aprender un idioma requiere de mucho esfuerzo, tiempo y dedicación, afortunadamente hay numerosas aplicaciones que van a facilitar este proceso, así podemos aprender inglés, alemán, etc. cómodamente en el bus, metro, sofá, jardín, piscina, etc. He aquí una selección de las más usadas para el aprendizaje de idiomas, la mayoría de ellas ofrecen cursos gratis a cambio de recibir publicidad y más servicios a cambio de pagar una cuota Premium. Nowadays the mobile electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets...


Idioms or Proverbs-Modismos In English we can find many expressions which we can not guess their meaning by mere translation. They are frequently used in daily English and we really need to learn them as well as new vocabulary in order to increase our knowledge and competency in the English language. These are common and popular expressions used by native English-speakers though there are variations depending on the country, city or area where you are, but they will help you to understand and get a closer approach to the culture and societies of native English speakers because these direct, simple and colloquial expressions sum up an idea, thought or situation easily with some simple words placed together so you can get the gist of what they are actually saying. There is a list of idioms below so you can learn and know the real meaning of these expressions: En inglés podemos encontrar muchas expresiones las cuales no podemos adivinar su significado con una traducción literal simp...